Mobile World Congress is going to unveil many latest smartphones from the popular players in the field. Surprisingly, most of these upcoming smartphones are powered through the latest quad-core processors. HTC Edge is rumored to be coming up with quad core processor, Fujitsu Arrows coming up soon with the quad core processor, LG X3 too following this bandwagon too. Some more too chosen this path it seems to be and those are Huawei Diamond, ASUS, Samsung, Motorola, and Meizu too.
The 2011 was gone long back and 2012 emerged into our world successfully. Smartphones world was ruled well with dual-core processors in the year 2011 and 2012 determined to rule this throne with quad-core processors. What is making quad-core processor a better choice over the dual-core processor? Let us see some of the vital aspects of this processor from the beginning through its working over the smartphones.
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What is Single core Processor and Dual core processor and Quad Core Processor
Single-Core processor: The single core processor is capable enough to cater well for the Email, Social media, video performance, audio performance and less powerful background operators. This single core processor proved to be effective for the 2D gaming, basic internet browsing and GPS maps too. Some of the rich graphics oriented tasks such as maps find it little tough and difficult with this single core processor and gave a path for the entry of the dual-core processors.Dual-Core Processor: This dual core processor performance is significantly impressive over the single core processor and introduced flash enabled internet browsing experience successfully for the user. Some of the essential tasks such as video conference or chat, multi-tasking and some others special needs resulted into more effective for the user through this processor. Importantly, rich GPS maps exploration turned into a great reality for the user through this outstanding processor.
Quad-Core Processor: The latest trend is quad core processor and popular smartphone companies are eagerly coming up with their new devices along with the quad core processor. This quad core processor is a greatest relief over some of the flaws that were associated well with the dual core processor for a smartphone. The quad core performance will introduce the user with the console class games experience along with quick browsing and rich media processing. Importantly, voice enabled GPS system will be more effective through this powerful processor for the smartphone user.
Benefits with Quad-Core processor:
- More cores in the quad core processor will result into effective multi-task experience for the user.
- Desktop performance can be introduced successfully to the smartphone with the help of quad core processor addition.
- Switch over with open applications will be quicker, effective and flaw-less through quad core processor.
- Quad core processor is successful to support multithreaded application with flaw-less performance.
- Rich gaming experience is ensured for the smartphone user through this addition.
- Powerful GPS experience with rich maps is no longer a difficult task through the introduction of quad core processor in a smrtphone.
Quad Core Processor Drawbacks:
- There is a chance for the reduction in battery life through the quad core processor addition for the smartphone, but NVIDIA kind of better players coming up with better solutions against this problem.
I have listed some of the best laptops for writing documents which doesn't need much but a really good processor for fast processing of everything. When you're working, you don't want to get stuck in lags, hence, getting a dual-core CPU is a minimum requirement. Same goes with mobile phones, you don't want a phone that hangs a lot which is terrible.
A smartphone will not be having enough content in order to optimize well the quad core processor capacity to the full extent. Qualcomm and NVIDIA are seriously working on this problem and pretty soon coming up with viable solutions against this disadvantage.
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