Mobile World Congress is going to unveil many latest smartphones from the popular players in the field. Surprisingly, most of these upcoming smartphones are powered through the latest quad-core processors . HTC Edge is rumored to be coming up with quad core processor , Fujitsu Arrows coming up soon with the quad core processor , LG X3 too following this bandwagon too. Some more too chosen this path it seems to be and those are Huawei Diamond, ASUS, Samsung, Motorola, and Meizu too. The 2011 was gone long back and 2012 emerged into our world successfully. Smartphones world was ruled well with dual-core processors in the year 2011 and 2012 determined to rule this throne with quad-core processors. What is making quad-core processor a better choice over the dual-core processor? Let us see some of the vital aspects of this processor from the beginning through its working over the smartphones. If you're interesting in building a budget gaming PC , you can check out my friend...